When the air conditioner in your RV starts to fail, you can't postpone an RV AC repair. In a standard car, you could lower the windows and deal with the humid air for a little while. But in an RV, you'll start to swelter right away.
Unfortunately, RV air conditioning isn't designed to be recharged. Whereas, in a car, you could add more refrigerant for a temporary fix, RV AC units are welded shut at the factory. If your AC system fails, it will need to be replaced.
The good news is that most RV air conditioning problems don't deal directly with the system itself, and can be repaired easily by an experienced RV mechanic. Contact Snake River RV in Twin Falls, ID to schedule an RV AC appointment today.
Most RV air conditioning problems aren't caused by refrigerant leaks, but instead by faulty electronics. These can be caused by malfunctioning...